Saturday, January 15, 2011

Blog Topic #1

This cartoon points out possible disappointments of globalization. It also can help to explain what globalization is for someone who does not know.

"Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information technology."

Globalization has a minor negative effect on tourism. The image illustrates a family who has traveled to some of the most unique cities around the world. They have returned with souvenirs they could buy here in America. Realistically, not everyone is like that. If I went to Paris or London or Rome, the last place I would want to go to is McDonald's. I would want to eat things I have never eaten or visit places I may never get to see again. For this, globalization could make a visit to a foreign country less exciting.

Globalization of major franchises involves more positive effects than negative effects. Although it is not the most healthy place to eat, McDonald's may be the most convenient place to buy food. Any person, no matter where they live, may need a quick fix for their need of food. Their are many other examples of  globalization. Anyone can buy cheap furniture from IKEA, and unlimited choices exist among vehicles made by Honda, Ford, Toyota, and GM. Globalization allows countries to not only benefit from their products but also to share those with the rest of the world.

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