Monday, January 24, 2011

Blog Topic #2

    The above link connects you to the article, "Immigration not a sure path to higher incomes." The article argues whether bringing more skilled immigrants to Australia would raise income or not. Calculations made in 2006 found that increasing the intake of skilled immigrants by 50% only raised the real gross domestic product by 4%. After giving these statistics, the article shows other ideas to increase income with immigration. All of the ideas have flaws. The author of the article, Ross Gittins, finishes with saying,''population growth and immigration can magnify existing policy problems and amplify pressures on 'unpriced' entities, such as the environment, and urban and social amenity''. Australia's net migration from 2000-2005 was 5.1 thousand, according to p. 638 of Diversity and Globalization. Australia is a very diverse country, taking in families from Africa, China, India, Malaysia, and the Philippines. 25% of Australia's population are immigrants. (p. 646) I think this gives Australia a great uniqueness like we have here in America. They may not be receiving great benefits from their immigrants, but it is worth it when you think of other ways your country is benefiting from diversity.

Sharnee Rawson wrote, "What Dos Australia Day Really Mean?" after being asked by her immigrated housemates. She comments that the original traditions were not just beer, beach, and barbeque (sounds like Independence Day) like they are today. It started as Foundation Day in New South Wales. It  resembled the colonization of the white society in Australia. In the 1970's, Australia Day helped to remove White Australia Policy with celebrations of multiculturalism and citizenship. Rawson continues to mention traditions of Australia Day until she mentions how it may be celebrated differently. Flooding in Queensland has caused the cancellation of the multi-faith ceremony at Brisbane's South Bank. No matter what, Aussies will celebrate what they have. White Australia Policy were guidelines that promoted European and North American immigration at the expense of other groups until 1973. Because of Australia's immigration, they have accepted more people following Hinduism, Islam, and Buddhism. (p. 646) Australia is very diverse, and I find it very healthy of their country to celebrate this diversity. I wish America did something like this. I think we focus too much on the practices of other ethnic groups instead of looking at the positives. We really need a time to just celebrate others ways of life.

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